Emu Oil information

Emu bird
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Fifty Benefits of E-omega Oil

1). Soothes the pain of arthritis
2). Reduces bruising
3). Takes the burn out of sunburn
4). Helps prevent peeling after sunburn
5). Helps prevent blistering
6). Soothes inflammation
7). Relieves the sting of insects
8). Softens your hands and cuticles
9). Moisturizes your skin
10). Revives your tired muscles
11). Soothes your chapped skin
12). Helps heal insect bites
13). Reduces swelling
14). Relieves diaper rash
15). Prevents soreness after exercising
16). Increases your mobility
17). Relieves and reduces pain from tendonitis
18). Reduces pain in post radiation burns
19). Helps relieve growing pains
20). Helps prevent razor burn
21). Softens your dry skin
22). Helps pain of carpal-tunnel syndrome
23). Relieves itchy skin
24). for the elderly, thickens skin/reduces fine lines
25). Helps prevent scarring
26). Reduces stretch marks
27). Helps control acne inflammation
28). Reduces swelling of sprains
29). Strengthens weak nails
30). Conditions hair
31). Helps chapped lips
32). Relief of muscle cramps
33). Great for massages, used by many salons.
34). Softens calluses
35). Reduces itching and flaking of psoriasis
36). Aid for relieving and prevention of bed sores
37). Revive tired eyes and puffiness
38). Protects skin from chlorine irritation
39). Diminishes wrinkles
40). Calms flare up from rosacea
41). Reduces the appearance of age spots
42). Relieve eczema
43). Great for after bath, after sauna, or after spa
44). Soothes skin after waxing
45). Aids healing of cold sores
46). All applications here are also for pets!
Add a teaspoon of pure oil to your pets’ food for all the same reasons we take emu oil.
47). Helps alleviate headaches
48). Gives your skin a youthful appearance
49). Promotes healthy skin and nails
50). Speeds the healing process

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